Arevipharma US

Legal notice

A&Y Life Sciences (Arevipharma US)
Corporation Trust center
1209 Orange Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
+1 (301) 448-6051

Hosted by:

Arevipharma GmbH
Dr. Dirk Jung

Data Protection Officer
Bernd Bertram, +49 351-8314-1277

Commercial register
Local Court Dresden: HRB 23835
VAT ID No.: DE 240935001

Head office
+49 351-8314-0

Distribution Germany
Arevipharma GmbH, Meissner Strasse 35, 01445 Radebeul, Germany

Terms of use

Our concern is the protection of your data

1. Consent 

Your access to and use of this Arevipharma GmbH web page is subject to the following terms and conditions and applicable law. By entering and using this web page, you accept these conditions without reservation and acknowledge that any other agreement between you and Arevipharma GmbH is hereby superseded and consequently no longer has any legal effect. 

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Arevipharma GmbH may set links to other internet sites that it considers to be of interest. However, due to the nature of the Internet, Arevipharma GmbH is not responsible for the content of the linked sites nor for the standard of data protection on such linked sites and does not accept any liability for this. 

9. Revision 

These Arevipharma GmbH Internet Terms of Use and Disclaimer were last updated on July 27, 2007. Arevipharma GmbH reserves the right to change the regulations as necessary without prior notice. Because of such updates, users should review the regulations from time to time.